Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

When will my First Game Plan Arrive?

You can expect to receive each Game Plan straight to your inbox every Wednesday! If you’ve signed up after that cut-off time, you can log in to your dashboard anytime to access the most recent Game Plan.

Is it only a Dinner Menu?

Yes, our intent is to make family dinners stress-free, so we provide 5 easy dinner recipes. How and when you choose to serve it is up to you! 🙂 

Do you follow any diet plan for special restrictions?

At this time, we do not, but we intend to incorporate this as we grow. In the meantime, we encourage anyone who wants to join, to utilize the MVP Facebook Community to connect with others who may have the same needs. Pop a question in there and we’re happy to help! 

What is the Membership committment?

You can choose a monthly or an annual option, but pausing or cancelling is as easy as logging into your account dahboard and making the changes you want. No contracts!

What is the Serving Size?

Each emailed recipe is geared towards a family of 4. Have more people to feed? You can double or triple the recipe, or you can log in to your account and adjust the servng size too! Only have 1 or 2 people? You can use lefovers for lunch the next day. 

Do You offer Macro Counts?

We sure hope to in the near future! Viewing the recipe from the Menu Library, you’ll be able to get the nutritional facts, though. We are heavily into fitness we understand Macro Counts is important for many and have goals to grow into this.Â